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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lion Ascend



“It began with the great lions; the protectors of peace in the land. For thousands of years the lions united Ayana in harmony, until evil possessed the tigers to invade from the north and conquer the land. The tigers did not share the same way of life that the lions had created.
For hundreds of years, war raged between the lions and tigers. A division was created between the lions and the tigers and the animals had to decide who to follow. The lion’s numbers appeared to be declining while the tigers looked like they were winning.  The animals were forced to choose sides in order to survive.  
To end the war; Prince Voltar led his army to the lions’ resting places and killed them in their sleep. One by one the cubs never found their courage and became weak as they grew older. Some abandoned their future and ran away to the outer reaches of Everlow. The few lions, who their courage were left to face the tigers’ wrath. Through their deaths, Prince Voltar let out a loud roar declaring the Badlands and all land surrounding it to be hunting grounds to those loyal to the empire.
After the war was lost, I Iza, the last cougar of the mountains, came upon a talking tree that was on fire. It foretold there would be a great lion named Lion Ascend that would be born not of Ayana! He would lead the fight for freedom of all the animals from the treachery of the tigers! He would have a thunderous roar and would run as fast as a night mare as well as fight a hundred tigers combined!  The animals would unite and stand with him against evil! 
            With this information, I began spreading the news to all the animals of Everlow. About a lion that would be bigger than a mare and unite the animals of the world to take back the land,” declared Iza as he looked at the guardian of the lion, Vera the cheetah.  The female cheetah stared into Iza’s blue eyes for a long time. It was peculiar to see the old cat of the mountains come and choose her. Iza remained closest to the Burning Bush and understood what needed to be done. He was called the Priest of Pride, the founder of all knowledge and the one who would find Lion Ascend.
Vera looked at the mountain lion’s white fur and long tail. The cheetah felt the cougar’s energy embrace her body and realized that Iza was not here to make things difficult. “It has been a long time since I heard the legend of the lion who will bring freedom to us all,” answered Vera. Her eyes panned down to the small cub nuzzling up against her paw that resembled a lion. The cheetah was already mother to three recently born cubs. How would she be able to raise a lion that would grow to the size of a stallion?
            “Will you take Lion Ascend as your own?” asked Iza. “I beseech you Priest of Pride. I’m scared that I will fail you! I fear Voltar will send the wild dogs to destroy my family! Iza, take the cub to the mountains and raise him yourself! I beg you!”  “Fear not Vera! You have been chosen by the Burning Bush. General Abel shall watch over you,” answered the Priest of Pride as he turned his head to the white wolf. The white wolf, stepped out from the shadows. The Priest of Pride turned back to Vera with his eyebrows raised and nodded his head towards Abel. “He is strong, faithful and bold. He is willing to fulfill the commitment needed for this cub.” “In the days I see before me, I feel, I will stand in darkness. How will I know what to do?” began Vera.
            “Do only what you must! Keep Lion Ascend safe from evil! My friends will watch over you and keep you safe,” assured Iza, as they both looked upon the helpless baby that began to cry. Vera’s ears perked up to the sound of the cries and felt pity for the lion that had no mother or father. “I will do as you wish,” replied Vera, as she bowed her head gracefully.  She watched Iza smile as he nodded and looked at her. Suddenly, a shooting star flew through the heavens and Iza turned to Vera and Lion Ascend.
“Look! A shooting star, Vera! It’s a promise to the cats and all animals from the Burning Bush that we will be saved! It’s been predicted for thousands of years that Lion Ascend will return to lead us and become magnificent leader to guide us to salvation. You will see it, I promise you!” Iza declared. The star belonged to the night of the cheetah and the cub. Vera hoped it was a promise that they would be protected. Vera’s slowly smiled and felt excitement. After witnessing such a wonderful event; she wondered what would become of their future.  Vera felt a new sense of hope that hadn’t reached her dreams for many years.
  Abel would have to be brave in order to protect Vera from Voltar and the wild dogs. The white wolf let out a howl and immediately his sons and daughter joined in the howl that was louder than any group of howls before. The other wolves in Everlow and through the land answered back, sometimes with multiple howls. It was the excitement of a recently born lion that would re-unite the land as it once was. Tears raised in Vera’s eyes as she witnessed the sound of howls returning to Abel. The wolves celebrated with excitement by dancing around, wrestling and then disappeared leaving their father, Iza and Vera alone.
 She picked up the cub with her mouth and began the long walk from the mountains to Everlow Forest. The Priest of Pride watched the cheetah disappear from sight and turned to Abel who stood next to him. Able wanted to give him a warning: “Voltar’s strength grows stronger every day, my lord. The jackals and the hyenas grow in numbers. My scouts have determined that Prince Voltar has returned to help Tyrone kill Lion Ascend.”
            “ My children have revealed that we are being pushed to the south, to the desert. Cain keeps intercepting my sons who go hunting and demanding a ransom for Lion Ascend in order to hunt on the tiger’s land.”  replied Abel.
            “He will fail!” replied Iza.  “Have faith Abel! The time has come for the return of the great lions,” declared Iza as he turned his head to the white wolf.  
Abel asked with concern, “What will you tell the Burning Bush?”
 “I will tell the Burning Bush that everything is going as planned and the great lion has come to save us from evil!” declared Iza as he got up from the cold grass covered with dew. “We will have to wait until the cub has grown older, but until then watch over the cheetah and her family,” he continued.  
The mountain cat looked into Abel’s blue eyes with an anxious look as though he knew his troubles. The white wolf took a deep breath to shake off the worries from such a bottled mind. Soon the world would be a better place for all animals of the world and the prophecy would be complete. Abel was a general to the Priest of Pride; other than protecting Everlow and his own family he now had the added responsibility to protect the family of cheetahs.
 “I must take my leave Abel. Watch over them, care for them until the very end,” commanded Iza as he walked towards the mountain.
 “I will!” answered the white wolf. The elder began walking to the entrance of a cave to rest and clear his mind. There inside the stone he would begin setting up the training for Lion Ascend.
 Abel watched his friend disappear in the distance and listened to the sound of flapping wings up in the tree.
“The night is young General Abel for the killing of lions.”
 “What do you want Jezebel?” demanded the white wolf as he stared at the black crow with glowing red eyes. Jezebel opened up his wings and glided down to Abel with an evil sneer upon his twisted beak. Abel began to growl and revealed his shiny white teeth.
“I understand you are protecting a young cub,” cracked Jezebel.
 “I don’t serve you, crooked bird. If you get in my way I will rip you apart!” growled Abel.
 “The hour grows late for the death of the lion cub. You will see his dead hide before you.” Jezebel snarled.
 “Never!” exclaimed the wolf.
 “We shall see,” laughed the twisted crow as he took flight through the air leaving the white wolf upset. Abel embraced the night and walked to his den to plan for the survival of Lion Ascend.
            The sun peered out from the east and heated the land. Vera stepped outside the den and looked around. She hoped it was safe to let the cubs play today, but kept in mind that after a year of protection, Lion Ascend would be taken to Iza. After weeks of restricting the children to the den she decided to let them out. Vera watched the cubs play together and could see that her son was different.
Beyond the forest and upon the bluffs sat Abel. With about twenty of his kinsmen, he watched the cubs play in the grass from the bluff. A huge eagle, called Enoch , swooped down next to the general. The white wolf watched the four children wander away from the den. “What have you seen with your great eyes?” asked Abel. “Jezebel is near the cubs and our enemy Cain is near the outside ring of Everlow Forest with a small contingent with him. They will reach the den by nightfall.”
 “Follow Jezebel and keep an eye on him as well as report back any new information,” answered Abel.
The honorable wolves waited for the chance to serve the future king of the woods and were eager to begin the march. Sampson, the oldest of the brothers looked into his father’s eyes for orders to engage Cain.  Mathew, Avian, Adias, Knightly and sister Kayda were the captains of the other twenty wolves that would remain upon the bluffs. “Father, what are your orders?” asked Sampson. “Assemble the pack!” replied Abel.
The male cheetahs were curious as to why their brother had no spots on his body. They called Lion Ascend LA for short because he had such a long name. Vera followed her cubs when they wandered away to watch them play.
The cubs wrestled around in the shade of the forest; the tall grass provided comfort to lye down and wrestle. The birds chirped and the wind continued to blow as the day unfolded. It was mid-day, the cubs let out a light roar as they continued to bite, chew and kick each other for dominants. All three of the cheetah cubs did not have the strength to take on LA, but it was all fun and games for the baby lion. Vera knew the children’s wrestling match had gone too far when she heard a light cry from Nikkita and ran over to witness what was going on.  LA swung his paw and sent Nikkita rolling backwards against the inside of a log. This was followed with the sound of a loud thud.              
Lion Ascend felt a sharp feeling guilt stretch across his shoulders that Nikkita might be hurt and trotted over to see how she was. Except before he reached the opening of the dead tree, Chalice and Lobby jumped down on the cub from the top of the log. “Ouch,” roared the lion as he rolled along the ground with the two cheetahs biting and clawing with the kick of their hind legs. Nikkita scuttled out of the log and grabbed hold of the back of her brother’s neck. The lion cub cocked his head forward like a bull and ran backwards to a sharp stop. LA thrust his head down and shook his body like a dog as he felt his siblings loose their balance. The lion then ran around in a small circle until his captors lost their grip. LA turned his head and watched them sail through the air and somersault through the grass.
 “Come on LA you can at least let us beat you once!” exclaimed Chalice.
 “I’m sorry as I understand it, there’s three of you and only me,” laughed LA Lion Ascend.
 “But you’ve beaten us every time we play this game and its getting on my nerves!” declared Lobby.
 “Well what are you going to do? I obviously can wrestle all three of you at once!”
The three cheetahs looked at each other and then charged after the lion with all their might.  Lion Ascend continued to laugh with excitement until he saw the big, black shadow of a large bird. It landed in the trees, turned its head at the cubs and pondered its beak into the wind that blew near. LA could see the red eyes stare into his and felt his blood begin turning into ice. “Guys stop! There’s something watching us from the trees!” exclaimed Lion Ascend.
“Where?” asked Nikita as she looked around into the bark and leaves, but she could not find the beast.
 Chalice’s yellow eyes grew wide very quickly at the sight of the beast spreading its wings as though it were preparing to attack. It blended well in the darkness of the leaves and branches with only its red eyes staring back at them. Lion Ascend could feel the goose bumps rise in his beautiful, thick, golden, fur. The wicked bird squawked and hissed at the cubs that slowly moved back towards the log. Nikkita looked around to find a place to hide and saw the hollow log that was behind them. As quick as lightning the three cats followed Nikkita to the hollow shaft just as the crow took flight. The crooked bird crowed and squawked at the cubs as it tried to get inside the dead remains of the tree, but realized there was no way to get in without Lion Ascend swiping him with his claws.
The lion hissed each time the crow lunged its beak and sharp talons in an effort to grip the lion’s fur. The crow renounced itself from the log to see all four cats glaring and hissing at the bird to go away. The beast was not going to give up its will to kill the lion and proceeded back into the log.  “Come out and play children. Don’t you want to wrestle with Uncle Jezebel?” laughed the crooked bird.
 “You’re not our uncle,” yelled Chalice.
 “Don’t talk to him,” hushed Nikkita.
 “We don’t talk to strangers,” replied Lobby.
“Yea and there’s nothing stranger than a bird wanting to play with cats,” said Chalice
 “Oh come now! Just give me a chance to get close to you,” replied the crow as he lunged his beak at Lion Ascend.
“NO! Get out!” shouted the cats together
Suddenly, something grabbed the bird with its mouth and its paws, which left black feathers scattered around the ground. It was Vera, the mother, sworn to protect the cub as well as her own children. Lion Ascend’s mouth dropped as he watched her stand between the log and the offender that dared to attack the four innocent cubs. “Leave me and my children!” demanded Vera as she stood ready to jump up at the crow.
“Give the lion to me!” demanded the crow as he squinted his red eyes at the mother cheetah.
Vera caught her breath from the powerful strike of the fight.  “If you return I will kill you!” she answered.
 “I will be back, foolish cheetah,” replied the crow as he lifted to the air, “and you will be killed.”
Mother cheetah took a deep breath while turning around to face the log that was hiding the cubs. They slowly crept out, realizing that she had won the fight with the crow. They crowded together nudging Vera’s warm heart with kisses and hugs. Vera realized that it wasn’t over: an evil entity was working against them to make things difficult.
       Vera walked back to the den with the children behind her. There was nothing in sight except the children wrestling with each other, but it was obvious that their games were growing more aggressive. She watched Lion Ascend wrestle with the cubs and noticed how much stronger he had become. Mother cheetah knew something tragic was going to happen if he continued to grow and become stronger.
            “Guys stop rough housing that evil bird could still come back,” she commanded as she smelled the air.
            “Sorry, mother,” they said together and continued to follow her.
Vera felt there was hope in Lion Ascend to make things the way they once were for all the animals. The day would come when LA would stop Tyrone.
 Tyrone was one of the most feared tigers throughout the land. He was second in command to Prince Voltar. Tyrone controlled the region of Everlow and was trying to gain support by using fear to get control of all the animals.
It was clear that Tyrone was responsible for the death of a lot of cheetahs and leopards including her mate Rythemic. The battle began with the attack of Tyrone’s army marching from the north.  It was the last time she spoke to Rythemic before he died. A tear emerged from Vera’s eyes, as she smelled lilacs, they served in her memory of grieving.  She prayed that Rythemic didn’t die in vain and that the prediction would follow true.  The beautiful thoughts of Lion Ascend persisted while Vera listened to the cubs talk to each other.
 An eagle named Enoch swooped down to the tree and folded his wings to watch over the family. As the day unfolded the cubs were able to play close to the den in view of Vera. Enoch watched from the lowest branch to see the mother take care of the lion. It was a time of innocence and he enjoyed watching the cubs play together. He watched and laughed as the lion and the cheetahs pounced on each other.
The eagle turned his head to the sky as he heard the calls from the hawks to the crows in the distance. Enoch spread his wings and took to the sky. He had a feeling that Jezebel was near and knew that he was the only bird in the area that could keep up. Enoch raised his wings up and harnessed the wind to fly through the air.
He flew higher and higher until he was rushing through the clouds. The large bird looked below to see the black crow flying slowly below him. The golden orb of the sun unleashed its stimulating heat upon the great bird. Enoch felt the wind brush up against his face and felt a drift of coldness stretch from his insides to both tips of his wings. The sound of thunder could be heard as the beginning of a storm from the north emerged. Enoch looked ahead to see volcanoes below him and kept his eyes on Jezebel.
            They passed though the mountain range and volcanoes known as the Bad Lands. The volcanoes were spitting out magma, as they had for hundreds of years. The Bad Lands was a place that the tigers and other animals of evil lived after it had been abandoned by the lions.  
Enoch flew through smoke and lost sight of Jezebel, but the shadows of the volcanoes could be seen. The eagle flew closer to the black volcanoes and felt the hot levels of hell spill near him. He remembered the stories told long ago that the volcanoes never used to exist and that the land used to be a meadow with forests. The Bad Lands didn’t emerge until the lions were eliminated. Somehow, something had transformed the land to the present status, as it is now.  Flash backs emerged in Enoch’s mind of the past battles that were lost to the tigers that took place on the Bad Lands.
            The eagle reached a dead volcano called Death Mountain and watched the crow fly through the top of it. Enoch landed on the side of the volcano near an opening that led inside and cautiously walked inside. He walked around on the ledge and realized he was high in the roof of the volcano. The eagle looked around to see big birds just below him as well as hundreds of tigers, hyenas, coyotes and jackals talking amongst themselves. Enoch could hear one of them talk about a grand march to destroy the wolves and the lion cub. A tiger that sat in the throne rose up from the shadows and stepped near the pond of magma. Enoch heard the other tigers call him Lord Tyrone. All the tigers respected him with the nod of their heads.
             “My brothers, soon we shall have revenge and rip the hearts out of the last believers!” boasted Tyrone.
            “General Cabass tell our followers what our plans are,” ordered Tyrone.
            “We shall destroy the prophecy of Lion Ascend,” declared General Cabass as Tyrone nodded his head.
            “We shall kill the lion and crush the wolves who dare to resist us as the new rulers of Ayana.  We shall see the end of Lion Ascend and kill the cheetah that protects him!” continued General Cabass. There was a huge cheer from all the animals as they all chanted, “kill Lion Ascend!”
            They all suddenly became silent as a visitor, that the tigers feared, emerged from the shadows.  He was twice the size of Tyrone and would be described by many of tigers as rigid, dictorial, arrogant and evil.  The big tiger made his way to Tyrone and with each step of the way, the tigers looked intimidated. The feeling of falling to pieces struck the tigers that were near the visitor. The tiger was well known throughout the land and had conquered a rebellion several miles north from the Bad Lands. When he received word that Lion Ascend was born he had to be sure to meet with Tyrone.
            “Prince Voltar, we’re honored by your presence,” said Tyrone.
            With his deep rough voice he replied, “I’ve received word from King Estargo that you have found Lion Ascend. The one sworn by the prophecy, to destroy our empire! Why do you delay the attack?” 
             “Yes my lord,” replied Tyrone. “I must say, would it be honorable to kill the lion until he’s grown up?”
             “Silence!” snarled Voltar as he walked around Tyrone in a circle. “You’ve wasted so much time on the search and destroy order that I wish to kill you now,” hissed Voltar.
            “Sir, you may forget that the king has appointed me lordship of this area, not you!” answered Tyrone
            “That was a mistake! You’re weak Tyrone! If you do not act now, you will regret not killing the lion. That lion is destined to unite all the animals in the world against us, not just the cats,” declared Voltar.
            “Step aside my lord! Everlow is mine! My forces shall kill the small rebellion of wolves and we shall kill the Priest of Pride. Does that not satisfy you?” demanded Tyrone.
             “For the moment,” answered Voltar.  “I’m going to be leaving now, but I shall return. When I do, I better see a dead lion here!” 
              Enoch had heard enough and turned around to escape, just as a piece of rock fell from the ledge. The pebble fell on a flock of crows and toppled down near Tyrone’s foot. There was a stir of noises as they looked around and saw the eagle. The birds made way towards him like a deadly swarm of bees.  Enoch gasped in fright as he watched the birds fly towards him and took flight to the air. “Find the intruder and kill him!” exclaimed Tyrone as he let out a snarl, followed by a line of growls from the hundreds of followers.
The golden eagle flew higher and higher to escape the pursuits of the enemy.  Enoch thrusted his wings hard against the dark clouds and could see nothing but the shadows of fire stirring from the volcanoes.  Enoch turned his head to see the large group of hawks, crows and ravens flying after him in a swarm of shadows behind the smoke. The eagle began to feel his wings grow tired and his lungs began to feel like they were on fire. The bird let out a cry for help to others who were near. He cleared the smog and found himself above the mountains and in the distance was Everlow Forest waiting for his arrival.
Seconds turned to minutes, soon he saw Everlow forest and twenty eagles swarmed together to rescue him. Six albatrosses, giant thunderous birds of the east joined the eagles and glided with their wings spread apart to attack.  The eagles and the hawks clawed and snipped at each other. It wasn’t until the albatrosses drew near that the invaders realized the attack was hopeless. The albatrosses ate many of the hawks and with the power of their sharp talons they sent the remainder of the injured birds floundering in flight. Enoch let out a sigh of relief as he watched the enemy withdraw. They had saved the day and were able to join the general after all was well.
Enoch glided through the air in grace, with twenty eagles hovering behind him and six albatrosses towering over them. The sun was shining brightly over head and pierced through the white clouds. In a single strike of brightness from the sun, the light shined intensely, leading the way to the wolves.  Enoch looked below. Near the bluffs, he saw the wolves gather around, howling as well as yelping, waiting for him to land. He swooped down to catch the pleasure of the pups as they barked in excitement. The golden eagle turned his head to smile at the teenage wolves that were happy to see him. Enoch flew back and stretched his wings as he slowly glided to the ground in front of General Abel and his five sons.
 “Tyrone plans to kill the lion tonight,” said Enoch.
  “By what words would tigers dare to cross Everlow?” asked
Knightly just as Abel turned his head to the right signaling for absolute silence.
“We shall make preparations for tonight,” ordered General Abel. The sun shined overhead and the white wolf knew they would have to assemble by dusk. The day would be at close, but the night would be the beginning to a new war.
            Dusk came and the cubs continued to play and wrestle with each other. They played around another log. Lobby scuttled through the opening until Lion Ascend pounced on him. “Ah, I got you!” laughed the lion.
“That hurt brother!”
“Well you better get use to it. I’m bigger than you.” answered Lion Ascend.  
            “Lion Ascend! Stop what you’re doing and have a good heart!” The words pierced the lion’s ears as Vera kissed Lobby’s head.
 “Yea, have a good heart,” repeated Nikkita.
 “What does that mean, mother?” asked Lion Ascend as he watched his siblings run off to play.
Vera waited for the moment to teach a lesson in manners. “What it means is one day I will be gone and you will be left with only each other. Be kind to the loving beings around you. The big ones as well as the small, for they will answer to you when you need them.” “Mother, I will never loose you,” he replied.
             “I hope, I never loose you,” answered Vera as she smiled.
Mother cheetah looked at her son and continued to glow with joy as she realized how special he was. Vera could feel her heart beat faster as thoughts raced through her head, knowing, if necessary that she would die for him. “That doesn’t matter,” Vera continued. “One day you will be faced with the biggest fear of your life and you will know that you can no longer fear anything.”
            “Why?” asked Lion Ascend.
            “Don’t you want to be courageous?” laughed Vera.
            “Well of course! I just don’t know where to look,” answered Lion Ascend.
            “Courage isn’t something you look for.  It’s a power that’s within you,” said Vera Then she paused to her son look confused, “what’s the matter?”
            “I’m not courageous,” he answered sadly.
            “You will find your courage and be able to help others,” she declared and watched a smile emerge on Lion Ascend’s face.  
            “Really,” he replied as he nuzzled his head into hers.
            “You will become so courageous that you’ll come to my rescue when I’m in trouble, now go play.” As Lion Ascend turned to join the cubs, Vera realized something strong had taken place. He was young and innocent but the day would come when he would find his courage. “Lion Ascend I would die for you,” she whispered while watching him run in the distance to tackle Chalice. Vera could feel the numbness strike her back as she heard the tiny little roars from the lion. It was weak and high pitched, but soon it would embrace itself into a very deep roar that would shake the land. She fantasized Lion Ascend as the mighty lion that the prophecy and foretold. He would become great in size with a thunderous roar and strength to uphold love, truth and honesty.  The vision included the animal’s love for him.
 The day drew to a close as the sun hid behind the trees. The blue sky began to turn dark purple with dashes of red and yellow from the sunset. Vera watched the cubs wrestle with each other and listened to the voice in her head. It told the cheetah of the days ahead and she began thinking about these steps. The Priest of Pride would meet Lion Ascend and begin the training that would transform him. The darkness filled the forest and unleashed its fear upon the good creatures that lived there. One day the tigers would give up the stolen land and disband their army.
Abruptly, the cheetah felt the light vibrations along the ground of the wild pack that she presumed was sent by Lord Cain. The wind streamed through the trees as they wailed in screams of the evil that was drawing near. Her ears were pierced by the sound of running and her eyes spotted a flock of sparrows leaving. She sniffed the air and tasted the essence of jackals as well as coyotes showered in blood. Her ears perked up after hearing the footsteps and the sound of reckless dogs panting. “Get inside the den now!” ordered Vera as her brown eyes watched the rabbits run away, warning her of the danger that was coming. The cubs ran past her with the light sound of their feet scuffing the grass. Mother cheetah looked up to the damaging sky and watched as the storm clouds rumbled in folds upon each other. Wind rustled the trees and blew through the tall grass, another warning for her to protect the lion. Then an eagle flew down and landed near the cheetah. Its golden feathers stretched upward in the air and its head turned to Vera.
“Who are you and what do you want?” demanded Vera as she was about to pounce on the large bird.
“I’m Enoch! I was sent by General Abel to warn you that Cain and the wild dogs are coming to kill you!”
“This is my home and I will die to defend my children,” replied Vera.
Enoch saw the courage in her eyes and hoped it would be enough to fight them off. “Very well, I will try to help you,” he answered. He flew to the lowest branch of the nearest tree and prayed that General Abel would make it to the den in time. Vera walked over to the entrance of the den; smelled the air and looked around for danger but found none.
 As night set in, Vera watched the shadows behind the trees grow big and scary. The brush of the wind rode the grass as she swung her tail back and forth for answers to intuitions. Small drops of rain fell upon her face and the sound of thunder cascaded through her ears. The rain fell thick upon her and quickly the cheetah stepped inside the den to guard the entrance.
Minutes seemed to pass like hours until something crept towards the entrance of the den. The five dark figures walked towards the hole through the rain with no fear of who was protecting the lion. They looked around the perimeter and began walking towards the hole to step inside.  Within the darkness of the entrance, mother cheetah growled and let out a snarl from her soaked face. “Come any closer and I will rip you to shreds!” The group of creatures emerged from the shadows as the wild dogs and desisted from her intimidation.
 “We’re on special orders,” answered the leader who was a coyote.
Mother cheetah crept out slowly and felt the sprinkles of rain. The moon was glowing and left the trees, as well as the grass, blue with black shadows. Vera knew the coyotes and jackals were interested in killing Lion Ascend. As the clouds veiled the moon, she could see the blue begin to fade away and darkness took over.
 “My name is Talick. We know you have the lion,” replied the lead coyote.
 Vera cried, “I don’t care who you are! I won’t let you in!”
Unexpectedly there was a howl, Vera could hear the cry and it sent shivers up and down her spine. She watched Talick’s ears perk up as well as his eyes open wide in surprise. Twenty wolves surrounded the wild dogs and stared at the creatures.
 “I have nothing to show you,” Vera growled. “Maybe you should leave Talick!”
 “You’re out numbered.” protested Enoch.
Talick looked up at General Abel who licked his lips and began to growl. “I shall leave, but I’ll be back.”
The white wolf heard the howls in the distance and knew that there was going to be more than enough wolves to take on the enemy’s army. “I’m going to count to ten. If you’re still here; we’re going to attack.” growled General Abel.
As the count down progressed, three of the dogs were intimidated by the threat and left, leaving only two wild dogs.  The moon unveiled itself to light up the area. Talick felt his veins turn to ice and felt death enter his body as the white wolf’s blue eyes glared at him. General Abel got to six! Talick and his associate rose up and turned to retreat. “We’ll be back! When we do, Cain will be here with about twenty of us! We’ll see how well you can handle us then,” said Talick.
 The white wolf ceased his count down and watched the wild dogs run away. The air was cool, with sprinkles of rain falling upon his face. The white wolf was burdened with worry about the future.  Abel looked at his sons and daughter and felt the presence of doubt through their eyes.  The white wolf looked up at the full moon and then to Vera who looked at him with comforting eyes.
In Vera’s mind General Able saved the day so that she and the cubs could live and would depend on him but didn’t know what the general was really feeling.  The night was young and Vera was looking forward to sleeping in peace.

The two dogs left and would not be back tonight. General Abel walked over to the entrance and saw her curled up with the cubs. She looked into the white wolf’s eyes and knew that it wasn’t over. “They will be back and in greater numbers,” replied Abel. The white wolf turned around to talk to Sampson about the next course of action and left Vera alone with the cubs.
Vera extinguished the last bit of fear that remained with her since the wild dogs had appeared. They would have to fight for Everlow and for her right to remain in the den. The question emerged; how did they know where she was? Then the haunting thought of Jezebel trying to kill the cubs emerged in such mind. The wild dogs were not from this region and they would be back to slaughter them.
The night came to pass, the owls and birds watched over the den. Mother cheetah kept the cubs warm. For as long as the sun would shine and the moon remained lit she would die to protect them. The sound of the wolves walking around the entrance made her feel safe. Her eyes slowly opened as Abel and Enoch stepped in.
“You should move Vera. You’ve been discovered by our enemy,” began Abel.
“This is my home!” she said.  
“If you want to protect your children then do what is needed,” replied the white wolf.
            The light sprinkles of rain washed upon his face as Abel gave orders to his sons. Their plan was to build a perimeter against an attack. “We must keep the boundary free from invasion,” ordered General Abel to his sons and daughter. “Enoch, I want you to assemble the eagles and albatrosses!” he ordered.  
With the mighty number of wolves behind General Abel’s command he was prepared for the worst. The rain ceased after an hour and he closed his eyes to pray that he would receive a glimmer of hope. After patrolling and receiving reports from his sons, he lied near the den to rest.
Abel opened his eyes after hearing footsteps and turned his head to his son Avian and felt the sprinkles of rain. The white wolf looked at his black and white son and knew what Avian was going to say. “Father, we’ve got a problem at the eastern edge of the forest.”
 “What is it?” asked the general, expecting bad news.
“The enemy is marching here.”
“Where is Sampson, Knightly and Adias?” asked Abel.
 “They left with seventeen others to meet them head on.”
“What!” growled Abel. Suddenly, the sprinkles turned into heavy rain, as thunder rumbled through the clouds.  Avian and his father looked up to the sky and felt the drops of water pelt their body. It seemed the weather would torment them through battle as well.
 Vera’s ears perked up while cleaning her fur coat and quickly exited the den. She was listening to the general’s conversation and was worried that they would be slaughtered. She could feel her heart begin to thump and hear the continued cries by the wolves with every footstep she ran to  the general. “What’s going on? Why are the wolves howling against the star lit sky? Where are you going?” she demanded.
 “Get back inside and be prepared to leave the den with the children. A blood battle is to be expected and I don’t know if we’ll win!” exclaimed Abel as he left Vera and joined the pack.
Lion Ascend poked his head out from the entrance of the den and was surprised. He had never seen so many wolves near the den. What was going on and where were they all going? “Mother  what’s going on?” asked Lion Ascend. “Get back inside!” she ordered. The strikes of wind cried in screams against her ears as the sprinkles of rain persisted upon her face, hiding such tears from the cubs.
The moon was unveiled by the clouds and shined down upon the meadow that was between the forest and the mountains. Twenty feet away  stood twenty-five dark figures. Their eyes were glowing yellow and orange as though fallens possessed them.  The white wolf trotted out from the brush after Avian and Kayda to find, his son, Sampson leading a large number of wolves.
The leader of the wild dogs, Cain, trotted to the middle of the field, leaving his band of hyenas, coyotes and jackals behind.  Cain was leader of the wild dogs and took his orders from General Cabass and Tyrone. Cain the hyena knew General Able by reputation and was confident to win a battle against the white wolf.
Sampson and Knightly galloped to meet them as well. General Abel, Avian and Kayda joined them with a trot to the middle of the field. Both groups could feel the rain hit their face and the thunder of the heavens ring their ears. General Abel knew Cain by reputation as well and heard that he was very strong, ferocious fighter.
The large hyena looked at Sampson then to Abel with a sneer
Cain was twice the size of Abel and therefore was very intimidating. The general licked his lips and waited for Cain to speak .for it was Cain that would start the fight.             “The night is young my brother. Why don’t you step aside and let us enter?” asked Cain.
 “If you try to get through, I shall rip you apart!” growled Sampson. Abel turned  and nudged his head to silence Sampson.
 “You have a brave boy General Abel, but is he prepared to die tonight!” growled Cain.
 “I can’t allow you to pass on our territory. These are sacred to the wolves and the Burning Bush,” protested Abel.
 “I don’t believe you realize that these lands belong to Tyrone and Prince Voltar,” answered Cain.
“No wolf of Everlow shall submit to your rule. There are over fifty wolves here and only twenty-five of your wild dogs. Disband and go home,” ordered General Abel.
In the distance a figure began walking from the middle of the two rivalries. It was the Priest of Pride. The white wolf was relieved. He knew that if there was anything that could be done it was Iza who could do it. As miraculous as it was, it had stopped raining and only the water dripping from their furs could be seen.  
Cain turned to the ghostly cat and began to growl, “what do you want?”  
“I want peace!” answered Iza.
“Peace is for the weak!” exclaimed Talick.
“Don’t you find killing a baby lion unchallenging?” asked the Priest of Pride.
“It’s not my decision to make,” replied Cain. “The prophecy foretells the coming of a great war between good and evil. Do you believe that it would be best to let the cub grow up before you kill him?”
“Maybe,” answered Cain.
“Well there now, we have something that would help us decide the fate of the cub,” cracked Iza.
 “I have my orders. The cub must die!” demanded Cain   
  Iza needed to deter Cain somehow, “there is no honor in killing a baby is there?”
 “I don’t want him trained,” sneered Cain
 “Very well, can you at least wait a year before invading the forest?” That would make you look more honorable.”  Iza said hoping to buy them more time to train Lion Ascend.
 “Yes I can do that.” Then, Cain realized what he had agreed to and stammered,  “I mean, wait a minute, who are you, to say what I can do!”
 “Now, now, you did say yes. So by the law of Prince Voltar you will have to wait one year before entering Everlow.” cracked Iza.   
            Cain turned around to disband the army. The wolves smiled and watched them gallop away into the distance. The white wolf looked at the Priest of Pride with a sigh of relief. If it wasn’t for Iza they surely would have fought.
             “What took you so long?” asked Abel.
             “You may still need to guard the forest. I was able to talk the wild dogs into a peaceful hypnotized solution, but it remains to be seen if they will follow it,” answered Iza.
            Abel trotted with his band of wolves to the cheetah’s home. She was cuddled with her children in fear that it would be their last moment. General Abel was happy that the Priest of Pride had brought them more time to prepare for the inevitable battle that would take place in a year. “Vera everything is ok.”
            Vera stepped outside to see Abel and knew that they would be able to sleep without any worries until morning. Lion Ascend would be given a chance to live and grow up to face his destiny. It would take time before the cub would understand that his need was imperative. Together as a family they slept without fears; Vera opened her eyes with a terrible thought that their future was scheduled for war and there was nothing she could do to prevent it.  

To be continued . . . .

Lion Ascend
Ryan Keith Johnson
© Copy Right 2011
All Rights Reserved.